Designed for Pilots Wanting No Compromises
Wide real aircraft tires and extra soft suspension might suggest the Revo is only designed to get in and out of short or soft fields. However, with up to 100 mph hands off cruise, roomy seating behind an extra tall windscreen and large volume easy access storage;  this trike is a preferred choice for long cross country travels.


  • Engine: Rotax 912 UL (80 HP), 912ULS (100 HP)
  • Power: 80 hp 4-stroke, 100 HP 4-stroke
  • Gross weight: 1040 pounds (472.5 kg)
  • Hands Off Trim Cruise Speed (sea level with electric trim):
    Reflex Discovery Wing: 55 - 80 mph (48 - 69 knots)
    Reflex Sport Wing: 60 – 92 mph (52 - 80 Knots)
    Reflex Competition Wing: 65 - 100 mph (56 - 87knots)
  • Never Exceed Speed (Vne):
    Reflex Discovery Wing: 90 mph (78 knots)
    Reflex Sport Wing: 110 mph (96 Knots)
    Reflex Competition Wing: 115 mph (100 knots)
  • Max. Straight and Level Speed (Vh):
    Reflex Discovery Wing: 100 mph (87 Knots)
    Reflex Sport Wing: 105 mph (91 knots)
    Reflex Competition Wing: 110 mph (96 Knots)
  • Stall Speed at gross weight (sea level):
    Reflex Discovery Wing: 38 mph (33 Knots)
    Reflex Sport Wing: 39 mph (34 knots)
    Reflex Competition Wing: 41 mph (36 knots)
  • Rate Of Climb (912ULS) at gross weight (ISA):
    Reflex Discovery Wing: 1065 ft/min (5.4 m/sec)
    Reflex Sport Wing: 1000 ft/min (5 m/sec)
    Reflex Competition Wing: 1000 ft/min (5 m/sec)
  • Takeoff Distance to clear 50 foot obstacle (912ULS at ISA):
    Reflex Discovery Wing: 855 feet (260 metres)
    Reflex Sport Wing: 902 feet (290 meters)
    Reflex Competition Wing: 951 feet (290 meters)
  • Landing Distance to clear 50 foot obstacle : 800 feet (244 meters)
  • Descent Rate:
    Reflex Discovery Wing: 460 feet per minute (2.337 m/sec) @ 56 mph (48 knots)
    Reflex Sport Wing: 525 feet/min (2.67 m/sec) @ 55 mph (48 knots)
    Reflex Competition Wing: 560 feet per minute (2.845 m/sec) @ 58 mph (50 knots)
  • Glide Ratio:
    Reflex Discovery Wing: 10.7:1
    Reflex Sport Wing: 10.5:1
    Reflex Competition Wing: 9.0:1
  • Maximum Endurance:
    Reflex Discovery Wing: 5.0 hours
    Reflex Sport Wing: 5.0 hours
    Reflex Competition Wing: 4.0 hours
  • Ultimate Strength: +6g, -3g
  • Maneuverable Loading: +4g, -0g