Flying Skills: practice in Granada. Peter and Alejandro

6AM local time I have an appointment with Alejandro, also a pilot. Today we’re going to level up or flying skills on the tecnam 92.
Destination: Granada. Aeroveleta Airfield, 2000 ft, lots of slopes, adventure for sure!
The weather seems to be alright, until we approach Granada. Visibility decreases to less than 1 km. arriving on Aeroveleta, we notice no-wind conditions and a reasonable visibility: 5km more or less.

Take off from 2000ft needs more runway. The 400 mt runway, slight slope, requires its full length, 15 degrees flaps included.

Following the circuit, to the left of course, 180º turn and an overhead later, it seems the airfield has disappeared. It takes us some minutes to find the airfield in between hundreds of olive trees, hills. Ready and steady, it was no magic.

In final, it feels a little bit strange, it is like flying towards a hill, with the result that our approach was high. Not the best choice because of the short runway.

But of course, we adapt very fast. 10 touch and go’s later, everything flies smoothly and we continue our practice.
The intention is to refine our pedalskills. We follow a narrow (2mt) ‘camino’ for 3 kms at 1 mt hight. Only pedals allowed.
A beneficial skill practice that needs a very accurate control.

Half an hour later, we fly back to the field, not having any problems finding it back.
@ 4pm we are back home, for taking a well-earned siesta!

It was a wonderful day