Become a Pilot!

If you are living in spain and want to get a Spanish Ultralight pilot license...It's possible! When i moved to Spain the only words i knew where cerveza, si , no, gracias, etc. So when I arrived the first time and told to Isabelle and Julio  of the al aire flight school I wanted to do the course in Spanish, i think they must have thought  i was a little bit crazy.  I succeded and later i did the instructors course. To be honest i grew up in a pilot family, and i was familiar with airplanes ever since my childhood.
But now my wife who's name is also Isabelle  did the same course, without any  knowledge of airplanes... and succeded.! So i can guarantee you : it is  possible. The theoretic exame is a muliple choice exam and you may do it as many times it takes. We have a database with thousands of questions so you can practice. The  practical exam is solo, without radio communication, so you only need to show your flying skills. The minimal flighttime to take the exam is 10 hrs And you need to be solo. Also you must have done  a overland flight from 1 hr and landed on 2 different airfields. You have 2 years to get your pilot license.

theroretical exam:  80 multiple choise questions, and you  are allowed to make 20 mistakes.
Practical exam:   1 touch and go, 1 low pass, 1 horizontal 8, 1 stall at 4000 rpm, 1 stall at 3000 rpm. and 1  simulation failure of engine with  landing . They call it the spiral. At 1000 ft above the beginning of the runway turn motor on and make 2 360 degree turns and land the airplane.

In Spain there is no navigation exam. But it is  highly recommended  to take a navigacion course after the course. You can do this in your own language.

You also need to have

The minimum age of 16 to take the course and 18 to take the exame.
A NIE number.
A medical exam type 2 ( +- 150 euro)
A student pilot license, (we take care off that)

The -become a pilot- package.

-10 hrs ground school in english. orientated to the Spanish exam.
-10 hrs flight training.
- acces to the questionary

Price: €1795

Any questions? mail me at
Phone 0034 616 20 29 30